- The dates of operation of the company are 1914 to the present day.
- The founder of the company emigrated from Austria in 1885
- Design Characteristics: use of Swarovski rhinestones and custom color rhinestones
- Used aeronautical glue in their designs
- Switched to the use of sterling silver in the war time years
- Many designs were rhodium plated
- Famous for Christmas tree designs
- Many whimsical designs from the 1940s are very collectible today

I am considered a high end designer and very collectible today. For more information and the answer to today's riddle, you can go to this designer page of the resource library on my website Vintage Jewelry Lane. (answer is also shown reading backwards at the bottom of this blog post.)
I'll be doing more of these riddles over the next weeks and months. Have fun with the series. Answer: (read it backwards) grebnesiE
For many people, vintage jewelry conjures up images of sifting through disorganized bins at yard sales, consignment shops, and flea market booths. There are other options for locating vintage jewelry that’s been well-cared for and priced appropriately. You can actually shop for vintage pieces at local jewelry stores and online jewelry stores.