Saturday, May 9, 2009

Today's Vintage Jewelry Color - White

With spring here and summer around the corner, I thought that today's color should be white. When I was young, there was a "rule" that you should only wear white shoes between Memorial day and Labor day. Fortunately, there is no such rule about white jewelry. It can be worn anytime, but is especially good with summer fashions.

White jewelry can be worn with blue, black and any other dark colors. White can also look very trendy with this summer's hot colors of yellow, and orange. But don't stop there - white jewelry is the perfect accent for any color.

You can look for jewelry in gem stones such as White Agate, moonstone, snow onyx, pearl or mother of pearl, or just pure crystal such as quartz. And don't forget white rhinestones! White milk glass is so pure looking, and vintage plastics often used white as a color. And nothing is quite as crisp and fresh as white enamel. It looks just perfect on black.

Since pre-historic times, white jewelry has been part of the human fashion business. Why? Think of the available materials - jewelry was probably first made from bones and pearls and shells of pearls. So white was it.

Check out some of these pretty styles of white jewelry. Which one would accompany your wardrobe best?

All of these styles are available in my Carolina Collections Vintage Jewelry store for prices between $9.99 and $24.99. I even have collections of all white jewelry for sale. This pretty collection contains the white featherlite earrings shown above and is available for $24.99 for the whole collection!

And remember - you can wear white all year round. No rules to follow.

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